Deepshikha Shanker .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}
Thursday, March 15, 2007
posted by Deepshikha at 11:27 AM

Living in 21st century India, I was under an extremely misguided picture of this country just as all of the others like me out there.. Partly my parents can be conveniently blamed for not educating me enough, I did not know of the caste issues, or discriminating against women, or north-south divide(oh come over it, it exists!!), rural urban divide, political marginalisation etc etc..and am still quite ignorant had it not been the ongoing scandal in the university. Also, as i complete my post graduate course, i don't feel scholarly at all!! I know for sure now that I know nothing. There is land grabbing campaign by the government the very sentry of our democracy, the police is murdering and raping and the rural India is still stuck with traditional evils. Closer home, university students in girl's hostel are penalised just for speaking up, talk of great democracies. From the very threshold you are being told "shut up and tolerate non-sense! or else be persecuted!!". I am confused. As I would be collecting my convocation certificate, I want to ask the University people what have I been taught? I know a lot, about the universal human rights, constitution and yada yada... and yet Why am I confused? I am a self proclaimed materialist and yet why do I feel ashamed of wanting to wrap corporate shit in tin foil. Is it the media hollering over non-issues or is it the very act of decidedly putting you in a box from the day you are I said I am confused and so should be every one under the roof.. If you have one that is, instead of making every one believe all is great and fine with the world ..

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

'university students in girl's hostel are penalised just for speaking up, talk of great democracies'

What is this? I did not get u r point? Why girls should be penalised for expressing on 'The greate democrecies'? As, in campus hostel many deliberations are taking place now and then. Topic may be subject or non subject. According to, on my view No one has punished.


At 12:21 PM, Blogger Deepshikha

its an interesting point you have bought up. And just because no one is known to be punished doesnt mean that they are not being repeatedly reprimanded and taunted (mind you not by the students...) i say this considering you know the whole issue. if you dont. then wait for three more months and then it will be here on post in detail.


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