Deepshikha Shanker .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
posted by Deepshikha at 3:15 PM

I wonder how the dust kicked up for racist discrimination of Actress Shilpa Shetty accounts for the rest of the common world suffering it every day.
One of our own professors had recounted tales of racism he himself had recounted in the course of his foreign travels.
The people immigrate to greener shores because the land they are living in is not giving them enough. Even for the case of Shilpa Shetty, why would she do a degrading show abroad when she’d still have her hands full back home.
The bitter truth is simple, even though Indians call themselves a Diaspora, without actually understanding the meaning. Diaspora usually referred the Jews who had been evicted from their land for centuries. Indians have never been evicted nor have they taken off for the fear of persecution, only for better prospects and better standers of living these places provide than here. So then why complain? Either stand up for what you believe is your right, and as far as I know no place discriminates as a matter of law.
I don’t know much about the world but I know for sure, that the most racist are likely to be Indians themselves. When Shilpa’s fellow contestants commented that she wanted to be white that’s why she bleached her face, honestly they were right, she did want to be fairer, then who is more racist? What about the millions of fairness creams creating fear psychosis for increase in their sale. How can an international product like L’Oreal dare to sell a skin whiting cream and have former Miss world, Aishwarya Rai endorse it. There is nothing that’s not racist here, how many times did you get to hear that you don’t look like your family because you are much darker and hence must be adopted. Well I did. And I am not adopted just that my skin is 100 shades darker than the rest of my family. I don’t care what they say but I decided early that I am not going to give business to L’Oreal or any other corporate organization that plays on fears created in society.
How many times did you come across printed ads stating the desirable girl to be wedded to be fair and how many times did you stare shamelessly when an African tourist landed on your bus. Colonial rule is over but the dung that they filled in our brains are here still. And racism is just the tip of the iceberg, racism exists even when you can see it or choose not to see and only way to come around is stand up for your self, or else no one will. What about the entire concept of freedom? Which is still largely lost on the society..yeah that’s another story for another day…
for now, those who make a choice to leave their homeland for the comforts of the foreign land must bear in mind that they have package to deal with and if ever perpetuated STAND UP for your self and deal with it before you make it an international issue.
Monday, January 22, 2007
posted by Deepshikha at 1:59 PM

I know! The title is confusing but the movie is not..Even though Guru chronicles the ethos of Capitalism blatently, its strikes a chord. The desire to dream, to make it big and the dare to say " The word 'no' is not in my vocabulary.", Guru has it all but for one flaw, if the doors are'nt open to him, he'd kick em down.
The movie starts with haunting AR Rehman's music and why it has been given four stars by some paper called New York times and how it benifits my knowledge escapes me. The interesting part of the movies is the disclaimer that it does not portary real people while Guru's life resembles uncannily to the Great baron Dhiru (names sound similar to) and there are parsis whose hundred years of business is threatened by Guru's fast track spint (did I hear the murmur Tatas any one?) And the word no is not in his dictionary..well..So, the protagonist would do anything to make his dream come true, starting with taking dowry so that he can raise capital for the “bigness” he wants to start in the city. The defect is obvious. Even so the man has a heart of gold, he is everything that’s actually wrong with the society. There should be no justifications, no reason to perpetuate evils like dowry and bribery and if Mani Ratnam is trying to project the man against system, which is inherently wrong, dog, eat dog world, there should be different ways. In short, despite the makings of a good entertaining piece and beautiful music, the concept of Guru is flawed. There is no need for the greed to be so big that you swallow the whole world in a single gulp and his antagonist Shyam Sasena is not antagonistic enough, he is quick to say “ Guru is every thing that is wrong in the society” but can hardly put him behind the bars where he belongs. Abhishekh Bachchan is amicable and so is his real life fiance and wife in the movie Aishwarya but.... Guru fails..., every one, the concept of egalitarian society, environment conservation and much more.
The unequivocal spirit of Guru can be appreciated, his philosophies cannot.
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