Deepshikha Shanker .comment-link {margin-left:.6em;}
Sunday, July 15, 2007
posted by Deepshikha at 3:26 PM

Really I guess my title is not confusing this time. It begins with Superman and He`man being nothing but breakable toys..disappointing. Then I believe its nothing but chain reaction, your dad then your mom then your favourite teacher, writers, actors, mentors.... The list becomes endless and all these people become human beings, who are we kidding? why do we still believe in people, invest our attentions, and compassions. Quite truthfully, I think its like falling in love, no matter how many times you fall flat on your face you still can't fail to believe or have faith.. Life will continue teaching us lessons, we fail to learn. I guess so much prelude is enough, there are no second choices.. As for my personal experiences, I am talking about my mentor failing me. So many times have I promised myself not to get attached to people but I did and I did fall right on my face (again..)
So here is a word of advise for any one of you headed in direction that I have been to, eg. to have so much faith that it hurts and then end up just playing a part you dont need to.. Be strong, dont give in to impulses or else you may end up really lost into a place of no return... Dont let your heroes disappoint you..

At 9:34 PM, Blogger Aries

I read a few chapters from a book called "Ideas" b Peter Watson today. It referred to a book written around 300 AD by Panini (the father of Sanskrit grammer) called Ashtadhyayi, which was "Samskrita" or "perfected" - i.e., it was fixed for all time, blemishless and unimprovable. But this is an exception.

As you grow a bit older, you'll realize that no one or nothing is perfect. Everybody has a few facets that you can like, that you may want to emulate - but that is it. Everybody is human and has their share of flaws too. You're setting yourself up for disillusionment if you even consider perfection as a state - it doesn't exist, except maybe in books, and in rare works like that by Panini which I mentioned above. And also, you're doing injustice to people who've "fallen from grace" in your mind, because you considered them perfect, which they obviously never claimed to be.

On balance, I think if a person has more good than flaws, that's about as much as you can ask for.

PS: Read a book called "To Kill a Mockingbird" if you havent already. There was a character called Atticus Finch in that book, who to mind is everything you can ask for in a man as far as character goes.


At 4:42 PM, Blogger Deepshikha

thats so cool... thanks!


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